On Friday, January 10th, Sam L. won the 106.7 Lite FM teacher appreciation essay contest sending teacher Chris L. to an all-expense paid trip to Orlando Florida. Click on “Read More” and then click here to listen.
News & Events
Holmstead staff at ASAH Conference in AC
Staff from the Holmstead School recently attended the ASAH Conference in Atlantic City. They enjoyed the opportunity to bond, eat some good food, collaborate with other schools, and attend informative workshops.

Dia de Muertos at Holmstead School 11-4-24
Staff and students were treated to homemade Chili, Tortilla Chips, and Empanadas for Dia de Muertos. We also had Tres Leches and Churros for dessert. Thank you Sandra!

ABRACABULLY: ANTI-BULLYING PROGRAM at Holmstead School on 10/22/24
“The name of the program is called ABRACABULLY, The i.C.A.R.E program. i.C.A.R.E stands for individual, community, attitude, respect, and empathy. Through this acronym, I deliver my powerful bully story and educate children on what to do if they are being bullied or know someone is being bullied. I perform magic with a message.”

Molly the therapy dog
Molly, Holmstead’s therapy dog, made a guest appearance on Friday, September 13th, for Tie Dye Day with a shirt of her own.

Tie Dye Day at Holmstead
On Friday the 13th of September Holmstead staff, in a show of unity and school spirit, all wore tie dye shirts.

Museum of Natural History field trip on 3/18/24
Students attended a trip to the Museum of Natural History in New York City, many for the first time in their young lives!

FBI Juvenile Cybercrime Division presented an assembly on 2/15/24
Students participated in an assembly run by the Manhattan FBI Juvenile Cybercrime Division. Important information about internet safety and risks was presented.

Leap Day Celebration at Holmstead School
In recognition of, and to provide educational context for leap day, Holmstead School is having a special luncheon as well as fun and educational activities. Activities included crafts, Kahoot!, painting rocks, making Origami jumping frogs, etc.

State of the “stead” and pancake lunch on Monday, 1/22/24
For the start of the 3rd marking period students and faculty will attend the state of the “stead” assembly where an update of the status of student progress, school policies, and school happenings will take place. This will be followed by a pancake luncheon.